by Black Mass Appeal | May 24, 2022 | Episodes
We’re hitting rewind on one of our favorite movies to re-live deliciously. Also, Satanic Bay Area is once again being crafty, and in the news, Bay Area exorcists are confronting their own worse angels. CONTENT WARNING: The news section is a heavy one, dealing with...
by Black Mass Appeal | May 10, 2022 | Episodes
Everyone remembers their first sleepover seance in grade school, with the help of the Parker Bros’-owned ‘oracle’: the Ouija board. But why are so many people so scared of a party game? We’re making contact with the Talking Board Historical Society for more on...
by Black Mass Appeal | Apr 26, 2022 | Episodes
When we see Satanists and Satanism in media, it’s always the same story: Black cloaks, human sacrifices, and not a lot of authenticity. Today, we’ve singled out some of our favorite fictional works and characters that portray our real Satanic values -– even though...
by Black Mass Appeal | Apr 12, 2022 | Episodes
In 1974, Dungeons & Dragons rolled into stores all across America. And without knowing it, the game stirred up some real demons in our culture. Because our Patreon backers demanded it, we’ve got the critical history of demons and devils in D&D, and to...
by Black Mass Appeal | Mar 29, 2022 | Episodes
Everyone loves a horny devil, and who better than the succubus, the unholy femme fatale of both ancient legend and modern popular culture? But where does this myth come from? Julie Jelinek of the International Vampire Film & Arts Festival joins us as we get...