by Black Mass Appeal | Jun 1, 2021 | Episodes
When we imagine the devil, he often takes the form of an animal, like the snakes or goats we’ve talked about in previous episodes. But when it comes to a devilish temperament, no animal is quite so naturally Luciferian as the common housecat. Here to chat about...
by Black Mass Appeal | Feb 9, 2021 | Episodes
Lucifer is the prince of the east, but how far east does his influence extend? Today we’re touring Satanism and subculture in Japan, with the help of travel and fashion writer La Carmina and cultural anthropologist Dr. John Skutlin. SHOW LINKS The...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jan 26, 2021 | Episodes
We’ve all seen horror films about characters driving the devil out, but how do you like the sound of a film about people exorcising their right to invite someone in instead? That’s the theme of the new movie Anything For Jackson, and we have director Justin Dyck and...
by Black Mass Appeal | Oct 13, 2020 | Episodes
The Witching Hour runs ‘round the clock this time of year, but although we have discussed witchcraft on Black Mass Appeal before we’ve never examined the true history of witchery and how it became associated with Satan. Also, Satanic Bay Area is treating itself...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jul 28, 2020 | Episodes
We’re horning in on the lives of some of our favorite farmhouse familiars by taking a closer look at our good friends the goats. As anyone who’s spent time down on the farm with Black Phillip knows, our friends the goats have always reminded us to live...