Episode 138 – Deadly Sins: Satanic Lust

Episode 138 – Deadly Sins: Satanic Lust

When it comes to Deadly Sins, there’s one option you can always count on for putting skin in the game. So why do conventional religions have so many intimate inhibitions about Lust, and what can we do with the baggage we’ve inherited from them?   SHOW LINKS...
Episode 128 – The Dragon Episode

Episode 128 – The Dragon Episode

  In past episodes we’ve added such creatures as goats, cats, and everyday snakes to our Mephistophelean menagerie, but today… Here there be dragons. We’re making the biggest addition ever – in more ways than one. We explore the history of devilish dragons and...
Episode 65 – Snakes & Latters

Episode 65 – Snakes & Latters

  After our good friend the goat, snakes are the animal most often associated with Satan, but just what does the world have against its serpentine stalwarts? We’re going to set the sinuous record straight with a warm look at the devil’s most cold-blooded...