by Black Mass Appeal | Feb 21, 2023 | Episodes
When it comes to Deadly Sins, there’s one option you can always count on for putting skin in the game. So why do conventional religions have so many intimate inhibitions about Lust, and what can we do with the baggage we’ve inherited from them? SHOW LINKS...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jan 24, 2023 | Episodes
Of all the books in Lucifer’s Library, one is overdue more often than all the others. But in the 50-plus years since the publication of the Satanic Bible, what has the world been saying about it, and how should these perspectives inform our own? SHOW LINKS A...
by Black Mass Appeal | Dec 13, 2022 | Episodes
Every Satanist knows that there are really only two magic words in life: Hail Satan. But where does this phrase come from, and why DO we say it so often? SHOW LINKS WCIA: Satanic Temple adds ‘Serpent of Genesis’ to Capitol Rotunda holiday display, Danny...
by Black Mass Appeal | Oct 4, 2022 | Episodes
Satanic Bay Area has our very own Satanic ‘Chick’ Tract celebrating the real history of Halloween, but the actual Jack Chick spent decades hatching fabrications about our favorite holiday. To help us with some of these comic misconceptions, we welcome Satanic...
by Black Mass Appeal | Sep 20, 2022 | Episodes
In past episodes we’ve added such creatures as goats, cats, and everyday snakes to our Mephistophelean menagerie, but today… Here there be dragons. We’re making the biggest addition ever – in more ways than one. We explore the history of devilish dragons and...