Episode 168: The Walpurgisnacht Episode

Episode 168: The Walpurgisnacht Episode

The most bewitching witching hour, from Spectres to Satanisms to feminist revolutions.   SHOW LINKS     GET IN TOUCH WITH BLACK MASS APPEAL Facebook Twitter Instagram Patreon Tabitha Slander’s Instagram Discord server   SATANIC BAY AREA Website Facebook...

Episode 167: Devilution, with Aron Ra

While modern research digs at the roots of our evolutionary tree, the public’s relationship with science is in danger of becoming dead wood. Aron Ra joins us for a discussion about ancient ancestors and modern misconceptions. SHOW LINKS     GET IN TOUCH...
Episode 158 – Selling Souls

Episode 158 – Selling Souls

It’s a buyer’s market, but everything must go! Sidney Sin joins us for a who’s who of who sold their soul over the past 1,500 years or so. SHOW LINKS Lawmaker Calls For Removal of Satanic Display Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, Sabine Baring-Gould...

Episode 154 – The Amityville Horror

We’re making a Halloween house call to the famous haunted home that revived American demonology with our look at the perilous publishing venture behind “The Amityville Horror.” SHOW LINKS Student loses scholarship, sparking outrage The Real...