Episode 129 – A Jack Chick Halloween

Episode 129 – A Jack Chick Halloween

  Satanic Bay Area has our very own Satanic ‘Chick’ Tract celebrating the real history of Halloween, but the actual Jack Chick spent decades hatching fabrications about our favorite holiday. To help us with some of these comic misconceptions, we welcome Satanic...
Episode 128 – The Dragon Episode

Episode 128 – The Dragon Episode

  In past episodes we’ve added such creatures as goats, cats, and everyday snakes to our Mephistophelean menagerie, but today… Here there be dragons. We’re making the biggest addition ever – in more ways than one. We explore the history of devilish dragons and...
Episode 68 – A Chick & His Tracts

Episode 68 – A Chick & His Tracts

  Fundamentalist cartoonist Jack Chick’s religious comics are seen but not necessarily enjoyed all over the world — including by many atheists and Satanists, who find his ideas dismal… but still can’t help but get a kick out of Chick. To help us plumb...