Episode 35 – A Merry Little Krampus
Have yourself a creepy little Christmas with the most Satanic of holiday spirits, Krampus! We discuss Krampus’s origins, how he evokes the darkness of the winter months, and why he’s surged in popularity in the United States in the past few years.
Episode 34 – Which Craft: Witchcraft and Satanism
Maybe because back in Ye Olden Days witches were thought to have made pacts with the devil, witchcraft and Satanism are often conflated. We talk with Oakland’s Woke Witch to clear up the misconceptions about modern witchcraft to see how it differs from – and intersects with – modern Satanism.
Episode 33 – Satan in the Bible
With the amount of hand-wringing done about his power and influence, you’d think that Satan had a lead role in the Bible. Turns out, he’s more of a guest star. In this show, we read the actual passages of the Bible that feature Satan as a character… and there aren’t that many.
Episode 32 – Apocalypse How?
Despite Satanists not having any interest in the apocalypse, other religions – and pop culture – always try to rope Satan into their doomsday plans. We contemplate the really freaky American obsession with the apocalypse, and look at the many weird ways society insists we Satanists are the ones who are beginning the end times.
Episode 31 – Sinema Studies: Satanism In Horror
To borrow a phrase from another podcast: You’re in a Satanic cult, call your dad. Or… watch a movie! We showcase four vintage horror movies featuring Satanic cults and the panic they create. With Rachel of the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast to join us, we discuss the weird, the campy, and the legitimately disturbing films we were forced to watch.
Episode 30 – Devil Decoder: Satanic Symbols Explained
From the pentagram to the Sigil of Lucifer, we discuss the origins and meanings of all those cool Satanic symbols you see stitched on the patches on the jackets at every Black Mass.
Black Mass Appeal on Bizarre States
Last summer, Simone and Daniel appeared on the podcast Bizarre States to talk about modern Satanism with hosts Jessica Chobot and Andrew Bowser at the ID10T Festival in Mountain View – an appearance that set in motion the idea for Black Mass Appeal.
Episode 29 – Spotlight: Being a Satanist of Color
What’s the state of Satanic diversity? By popular request, we’re talking to Louisville Friends of Satan founder Detryck Von Doom about race, religion, and Satanism, plus we read our own unfaithful listener’s testaments.
Episode 28 – How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Lovecraft
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all that it knows about H.P. Lovecraft: the 20th century horror writer whose tentacles keep creeping into Satanic philosophy. We look at the life and writings of good ol’ Howard Phillips, and the weird effect he’s had on Satanism and pop culture.
Episode 27 – BMA AMA
One year ago, we released our very first episode of Black Mass Appeal, “Satanism 101,” and it’s been a hell of a year ever since. As our birthday present to you, we’re having a “BMA AMA” – you asked whatever burning questions were on your mind, and we answered!