by Black Mass Appeal | Jul 12, 2022 | Episodes
The embedded player is down — go to your favorite podcast app to listen, or download the mp3. Nothing says “family friendly” quite like the name Disney, but Disney has always had its dark side. Here to help us with our cell-shaded sins, we have Ryan...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jun 15, 2022 | Episodes
We’re still off for June, but in the meantime we manage to dig up some more true occult weirdness by way of our Infernal Dictionary, including wereoxen, Beau Bridges, and the secret ties between them. SHOW LINKS GET IN TOUCH WITH BLACK MASS APPEAL...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jun 7, 2022 | Episodes
We’re off for the month of June (way off), but while we recharge our sins we’ve got some brand new supernatural gossip straight from ye olde Infernal Dictionary to tide you over. SHOW LINKS GET IN TOUCH WITH BLACK MASS APPEAL Facebook Twitter...
by Black Mass Appeal | May 24, 2022 | Episodes
We’re hitting rewind on one of our favorite movies to re-live deliciously. Also, Satanic Bay Area is once again being crafty, and in the news, Bay Area exorcists are confronting their own worse angels. CONTENT WARNING: The news section is a heavy one, dealing with...
by Black Mass Appeal | Mar 29, 2022 | Episodes
Everyone loves a horny devil, and who better than the succubus, the unholy femme fatale of both ancient legend and modern popular culture? But where does this myth come from? Julie Jelinek of the International Vampire Film & Arts Festival joins us as we get...