by Black Mass Appeal | May 10, 2022 | Episodes
Everyone remembers their first sleepover seance in grade school, with the help of the Parker Bros’-owned ‘oracle’: the Ouija board. But why are so many people so scared of a party game? We’re making contact with the Talking Board Historical Society for more on...
by Black Mass Appeal | Dec 21, 2021 | Episodes
Everyone knows Satan is a fallen angel, but how many of us know what that really means or where the idea comes from? In this season when you might see an angel on every corner, we’re joined by some of the Alchemical Actors of the podcast Occult Confessions to...
by Black Mass Appeal | Dec 7, 2021 | Episodes
Is The Exorcist a Christmas movie? Well, not quite: Director William Friedkin’s possession thriller opened the day AFTER Christmas, December 26, 1973, and has been turning heads ever since. Rachel from the horror podcast Zombie Grrlz joins us again to help muck out...
by Black Mass Appeal | Nov 2, 2021 | Episodes
In the mysterious annals of Satanism, you still sometimes hear whispers of England’s infamous Hellfire Clubs, where the rich and powerful gathered to worship the devil… or at least, that was the gossip at the time. In reality, the only spirits most of the clubs...
by Black Mass Appeal | Oct 19, 2021 | Episodes
It’s almost Halloween again, and we’re positively panting for some sinful seasonal content. Here to chat with us about the hairy history of Satanic werewolf myths is artist Holly M Crawford, of the Nomadic Werewolf Museum. SHOW LINKS Holly M Crawford and the...