Episode 128 – The Dragon Episode

Episode 128 – The Dragon Episode

  In past episodes we’ve added such creatures as goats, cats, and everyday snakes to our Mephistophelean menagerie, but today… Here there be dragons. We’re making the biggest addition ever – in more ways than one. We explore the history of devilish dragons and...
Episode 127 – Mark of the Beast

Episode 127 – Mark of the Beast

On your MARKS, get set, go! We all know those fateful numbers 6-6-6 by heart, but most people’s assumptions about what they really mean don’t add up. To help us decipher this inscrutable integer, we’re joined by Beverly, longtime record-breaking member of our own Mark...
Episode 102 – The Antichrist

Episode 102 – The Antichrist

  We’re loosening up some family ties and getting to know Satan’s heir apparent. The Antichrist is a regular contributor to both American popular culture… and American fundamentalist paranoia fits, but no prophet’s book ever actually tells us who the...
Episode 100 – Satan Bowl (and Black Mass!)

Episode 100 – Satan Bowl (and Black Mass!)

  The devil has many names and many faces, but which one truly inspires our lack of faith? We’re pitting standout Satans head-to-head and horn-to-horn in our playoff-style Satan Bowl to crown the most enlightened Prince of Darkness. Plus, to celebrate...
Episode 97 – History of Hell

Episode 97 – History of Hell

  It’s time we say ‘to Hell with you all,’ with our history of Satan’s final resting place. The road to Hell is paved with questionable theology, so we’re here to do an infernal inventory of its harrowing history and discover what this most devilish destination...