Episode 73 – Satanism 106: Satanic Values

Episode 73 – Satanism 106: Satanic Values

  As Modern Satanists, we all know what our priorities are, but how often do we stop and think about why? Is there any such thing as a universal Satanic value — and would we even want there to be? Dr. Eric Sprankle helps us with this exercise in valuation....

Episode 68 – A Chick & His Tracts

  Fundamentalist cartoonist Jack Chick’s religious comics are seen but not necessarily enjoyed all over the world — including by many atheists and Satanists, who find his ideas dismal… but still can’t help but get a kick out of Chick. To help us plumb...
Episode 56 – The Exorcists

Episode 56 – The Exorcists

  We’re getting in touch with our inner demons and chatting about exorcisms with religious studies professor Joe Laycock. SHOW LINKS HELL-O-WEEN Harry Potter Removed From Catholic School  Teaching Demonology In Texas Purging Daily Demons Dr. Joseph Laycock, Texas...

Episode 54 – King Dude

  We say hail to the king with TJ Cowgill of the Luciferian neo-folk project King Dude, who tells us about the agony and the ecstasy of being in a metal band nobody likes, how fundamentalism and witchcraft mixed in his childhood, and how his music today brings...