Episode 134 – Why We Hail Satan

Every Satanist knows that there are really only two magic words in life: Hail Satan. But where does this phrase come from, and why DO we say it so often?   SHOW LINKS WCIA: Satanic Temple adds ‘Serpent of Genesis’ to Capitol Rotunda holiday display, Danny...
Episode 131 – Fortune Telling & the Devil

Episode 131 – Fortune Telling & the Devil

  For as long as humans have believed in mysticism we’ve been eager to know what the future holds, but modern religions are always hot to deal fortune telling to the devil. To help us learn more about why everyone is so afraid of making a psychic connection,...

Episode 129 – A Jack Chick Halloween

  Satanic Bay Area has our very own Satanic ‘Chick’ Tract celebrating the real history of Halloween, but the actual Jack Chick spent decades hatching fabrications about our favorite holiday. To help us with some of these comic misconceptions, we welcome Satanic...

Episode 121 – The Ouija Board Episode

Everyone remembers their first sleepover seance in grade school, with the help of the Parker Bros’-owned ‘oracle’: the Ouija board. But why are so many people so scared of a party game? We’re making contact with the Talking Board Historical Society for more on...

Episode 119 – Dungeons & Demonologies

  In 1974, Dungeons & Dragons rolled into stores all across America. And without knowing it, the game stirred up some real demons in our culture. Because our Patreon backers demanded it, we’ve got the critical history of demons and devils in D&D, and to...