Episode 106 – Satanic Small Businesses

Episode 106 – Satanic Small Businesses

When you’re done doing the devil’s work, where is the payday? More and more Satanists are going into business for themselves these days, so to help make sure they get their devil’s dues, we’re highlighting some of their volatile ventures. Also, Satanic Bay Area...
Episode 105 – Satanic Organizing

Episode 105 – Satanic Organizing

 More and more people are deciding to take the plunge and start or join a Satanist community in their area, but there is no devil on their shoulder to tell them what to do. This our entirely practical how-to guide for rookie and experienced Satanists alike, helping...
Episode 100 – Satan Bowl (and Black Mass!)

Episode 100 – Satan Bowl (and Black Mass!)

  The devil has many names and many faces, but which one truly inspires our lack of faith? We’re pitting standout Satans head-to-head and horn-to-horn in our playoff-style Satan Bowl to crown the most enlightened Prince of Darkness. Plus, to celebrate...
Episode 80 – Devil’s Food

Episode 80 – Devil’s Food

  Gluttony is a sin, and we’re hungry for more. The relationship between food and faith is sometimes a fraught one, so we’re going to discuss the role of blasphemous banquets in Satanic practice, and to help us make sure we don’t bite off more than we can chew,...

Episode 71 – Good Deeds Unpunished

  If ever there was an opportunity for your friendly local Satanists to extend some Satanic Samartianism, this is it. Today we’re examining how Satanic groups around the world pitch in for their own communities, and how you too can do the devil’s work if the dark...