Episode 161 – The Return of Lilith

Episode 161 – The Return of Lilith

Our favorite feminist fiend is back, as we uncover even more esoteric history revealing why Lilith always comes out on top. Quick LinksGet Embed PlayerShare on SocialDownload Audio File SHOW LINKS     GET IN TOUCH WITH BLACK MASS APPEAL Facebook Twitter Instagram...
Episode 99 – Satanists With Disabilities

Episode 99 – Satanists With Disabilities

  When religion intersects with disability, most religions fall short, so we’re examining how Modern Satanists can make our religious spaces more welcoming for everyone.   SHOW LINKS The Conjuring Trailer (dog help us) Altered Photo Shows Kerry With Church...
Episode 82 – History of Witchcraft

Episode 82 – History of Witchcraft

  The Witching Hour runs ‘round the clock this time of year, but although we have discussed witchcraft on Black Mass Appeal before we’ve never examined the true history of witchery and how it became associated with Satan. Also, Satanic Bay Area is treating itself...