by Black Mass Appeal | Oct 31, 2023 | Episodes
When you finally want some face time with the Big S, where do you go for an introduction? Why, to the local library of course, and all of it quaint and curious volumes of forgotten lore. SHOW LINKS Colorado’s First Black Mass, Rooster The Witch, Ronald Hutton...
by Black Mass Appeal | Oct 3, 2023 | Episodes
For our first Halloween season offering, Atun-Shei Film’s Andrew Raikich talks religion, race, and recreancy in his new Satanic historical thriller “The Sudbury Devil”–a Satanic faith-based film. SHOW LINKS Atun-Shei Films Most Satanic Film of...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jul 11, 2023 | Episodes
On this episode: We don’t know the meaning of the word…but that’s about to change. Where does the Infernal Dictionary come from, and what makes its esoteric entries so devilishly weird? SHOW LINKS (Watch this space, we’ll be right back.) ...
by Black Mass Appeal | May 30, 2023 | Episodes
Satan springs eternal, but where did he spring from? Often we see older gods and religious figures compared to Satan and held up as his supposed origins, but is this accursed ancestry legit? SHOW LINKS Pope’s Racist Comments, Moscow Times Russian Church &...
by Black Mass Appeal | Feb 21, 2023 | Episodes
When it comes to Deadly Sins, there’s one option you can always count on for putting skin in the game. So why do conventional religions have so many intimate inhibitions about Lust, and what can we do with the baggage we’ve inherited from them? SHOW LINKS...