by Black Mass Appeal | Feb 1, 2022 | Episodes
Everyone knows Baphomet, the lovable, inspiring, gender-encompassing mascot of Modern Satanism. But where did we get this goat? We goat for broke with our comprehensive history of the world’s most popular but mysterious Satanic icon. SHOW LINKS Help...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jan 18, 2022 | Episodes
The history of Satanism is bedeviled by misinformation, and in the age of social media, a lie can travel to Hell and back to avoid correction. As hopefully savvy digital consumers, how can we better train ourselves to separate fact from affliction? SHOW...
by Black Mass Appeal | Aug 10, 2021 | Episodes
It’s time for the Com-passion of the Anti-christ, as Seattle Satanist Lilith Starr’s new book Compassionate Satanism explores the beliefs and practices of Modern Satanists in the 21st century. SHOW LINKS Snopes: Converse Didn’t Replace Logo...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jul 27, 2021 | Episodes
We’re loosening up some family ties and getting to know Satan’s heir apparent. The Antichrist is a regular contributor to both American popular culture… and American fundamentalist paranoia fits, but no prophet’s book ever actually tells us who the...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jun 15, 2021 | Episodes
When religion intersects with disability, most religions fall short, so we’re examining how Modern Satanists can make our religious spaces more welcoming for everyone. SHOW LINKS The Conjuring Trailer (dog help us) Altered Photo Shows Kerry With Church...