by Black Mass Appeal | May 3, 2023 | Episodes
We’ve reached the point in our exploration of the Seven Deadly Sins where we’re mad as Hell and we’re not going to take it anymore. Joining us in feeling out the shapes of Wrath. SHOW LINKS GET IN TOUCH WITH BLACK MASS APPEAL Facebook Twitter...
by Black Mass Appeal | Feb 21, 2023 | Episodes
When it comes to Deadly Sins, there’s one option you can always count on for putting skin in the game. So why do conventional religions have so many intimate inhibitions about Lust, and what can we do with the baggage we’ve inherited from them? SHOW LINKS...
by Black Mass Appeal | May 10, 2022 | Episodes
Everyone remembers their first sleepover seance in grade school, with the help of the Parker Bros’-owned ‘oracle’: the Ouija board. But why are so many people so scared of a party game? We’re making contact with the Talking Board Historical Society for more on...
by Black Mass Appeal | Feb 1, 2022 | Episodes
Everyone knows Baphomet, the lovable, inspiring, gender-encompassing mascot of Modern Satanism. But where did we get this goat? We goat for broke with our comprehensive history of the world’s most popular but mysterious Satanic icon. SHOW LINKS Help...
by Black Mass Appeal | Dec 7, 2021 | Episodes
Is The Exorcist a Christmas movie? Well, not quite: Director William Friedkin’s possession thriller opened the day AFTER Christmas, December 26, 1973, and has been turning heads ever since. Rachel from the horror podcast Zombie Grrlz joins us again to help muck out...