Episode 163: The Cannibalism Episode

Episode 163: The Cannibalism Episode

We’re biting off more than we can chew with mythical Satanic cannibals past and present, and it’s a mouthful. Quick LinksGet Embed PlayerShare on SocialDownload Audio File SHOW LINKS Rowan Astra, Satanic Idaho Witch Whores of Satan, Demo EP Did Idaho’s...
Episode 80 – Devil’s Food

Episode 80 – Devil’s Food

  Gluttony is a sin, and we’re hungry for more. The relationship between food and faith is sometimes a fraught one, so we’re going to discuss the role of blasphemous banquets in Satanic practice, and to help us make sure we don’t bite off more than we can chew,...
Episode 60 – History of Human Sacrifice

Episode 60 – History of Human Sacrifice

In difficult times, some sacrifices must be made — but not by us. In spite of what Hollywood tells you, Satanists are one of the only modern religious practices with no historical connections to ritual human sacrifice. So where do these myths come from, and why...