Episode 111 – Fallen Angels

Episode 111 – Fallen Angels

  Everyone knows Satan is a fallen angel, but how many of us know what that really means or where the idea comes from? In this season when you might see an angel on every corner, we’re joined by some of the Alchemical Actors of the podcast Occult Confessions to...
Episode 101 – Satanism 101… Part 2

Episode 101 – Satanism 101… Part 2

  We’re getting back to basics as we use our 101st episode to review some Satanism 101 — with the benefit of a few years’ extra perspective.   SHOW LINKS New York Post: Demons Haunt Victims By Text The Satan by Ryan E Stokes Satan: A Biography by Henry...
Episode 100 – Satan Bowl (and Black Mass!)

Episode 100 – Satan Bowl (and Black Mass!)

  The devil has many names and many faces, but which one truly inspires our lack of faith? We’re pitting standout Satans head-to-head and horn-to-horn in our playoff-style Satan Bowl to crown the most enlightened Prince of Darkness. Plus, to celebrate...
Episode 95 – Names of the Devil: The Revenge

Episode 95 – Names of the Devil: The Revenge

  When it comes to naming names, the devil has everyone outnumbered. Two years ago we enumerated the histories of some of Satan’s most malevolent monikers, but there were just too many to name off all of them. So today we’re back for another sinful census, with...
Episode 76 – Scapegoats

Episode 76 – Scapegoats

  We’re horning in on the lives of some of our favorite farmhouse familiars by taking a closer look at our good friends the goats. As anyone who’s spent time down on the farm with Black Phillip knows, our friends the goats have always reminded us to live...