by Black Mass Appeal | Jul 27, 2021 | Episodes
We’re loosening up some family ties and getting to know Satan’s heir apparent. The Antichrist is a regular contributor to both American popular culture… and American fundamentalist paranoia fits, but no prophet’s book ever actually tells us who the...
by Black Mass Appeal | Jun 29, 2021 | Episodes
The devil has many names and many faces, but which one truly inspires our lack of faith? We’re pitting standout Satans head-to-head and horn-to-horn in our playoff-style Satan Bowl to crown the most enlightened Prince of Darkness. Plus, to celebrate...
by Black Mass Appeal | May 26, 2020 | Episodes
In one of our most popular 2018 episodes, we did some Satanic semiotics and discussed the meaning and history of the most commonly-employed Satanic symbols. But there’s always more devilry than Hell can hold, so we’re back with round two, this time with some of...
by Black Mass Appeal | Mar 15, 2019 | Episodes
In 1976 Hollywood delivered on America’s Antichrist obsession with the surprise horror hit, The Omen. That movie then birthed a series of sequels that were less favorite-son and more like runts of the litter. Does The Omen still bode well for horror fans today?...