Episode 149 – The Cemetery Episode

Episode 149 – The Cemetery Episode

There’s nothing we love more on our days off than relaxing in a historic cemetery and taking in the (burial) sites. But a lot of people seem to have some very grave hang-ups about the idea of Satanists in cemeteries. To help us dig up some facts about these morose...
Episode 143 – Deadly Sins: Satanic Wrath

Episode 143 – Deadly Sins: Satanic Wrath

  We’ve reached the point in our exploration of the Seven Deadly Sins where we’re mad as Hell and we’re not going to take it anymore. Joining us in feeling out the shapes of Wrath. SHOW LINKS   GET IN TOUCH WITH BLACK MASS APPEAL Facebook Twitter...
Episode 108 – Hellfire Clubs

Episode 108 – Hellfire Clubs

In the mysterious annals of Satanism, you still sometimes hear whispers of England’s infamous Hellfire Clubs, where the rich and powerful gathered to worship the devil… or at least, that was the gossip at the time. In reality, the only spirits most of the clubs...