Episode 170: Satanic Parenting
The forbidden fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree…
Episode 169: Satanic Blasphemy
Blasphemy: A means to and end, or just a means to offend?
Episode 168: The Walpurgisnacht Episode
The most bewitching witching hour, from Spectres to Satanisms to feminist revolutions.
Episode 167: Devilution, with Aron Ra
While modern research digs at the roots of our evolutionary tree, the public’s relationship with science is in danger of becoming dead wood. Aron Ra joins us for a discussion about ancient ancestors and modern misconceptions.
Episode 166: The Wicker Man
Something Wicker this way comes, as we rekindle our interest the most heathenish of horror classics, 50 years after it scared the Hell into audiences.
Episode 165: Ohio’s Great Satanic Panic (“Digging Up Devils”)
Author Jack Legg is here to dig up all the dirt on the Satanic Panic in his own backyard with his new book “Digging Up Devils,” the story of 80 human sacrifices that never happened.
Episode 164: Deadly Sins – Satanic Greed
How can greed be a sin if it also makes the world go round? We invest in the insights of ethicist John Paul Rollert for answers.
Episode 163: The Cannibalism Episode
We’re biting off more than we can chew with mythical Satanic cannibals past and present, and it’s a mouthful.
Episode 162 – Priests of Satan
Its time to correct some clerical errors with our comprehensive history of Sinister Ministers–fictional and factual.
Episode 161 – The Return of Lilith
Our favorite feminist fiend is back, as we uncover even more esoteric history revealing why Lilith always comes out on top.