Episode 160 – Drunk Heresy: The Geraldo Special
We remember the infamous 1988 Geraldo Satanism special–and then we drink to forget the infamous 1988 Geraldo Satanism special.
Episode 159 – Satanists Read the Book of Mormon
We’ve tested Testaments new and old, and so it came to pass that we delve into the most fundamentally American of all fundamentalist American religions and meet their really weird devil.
Episode 158 – Selling Souls
It’s a buyer’s market, but everything must go! Sidney Sin joins us for a who’s who of who sold their soul over the past 1,500 years or so.
Episode 157 – The Pazuzu Episode
Pazuzu: King of ancient wind demons and friend to children everywhere. Digital Hammurabi’s Megan Lewis consults on what this demon’s popularity tells us about the difference between religion, magic, and myth.
Episode 156 – Satanists Read the Bible: “A Game For Good Christians”
We’re working out our King James Aversion with a down and dirty study game about the absolute worst parts of the Bible.
Episode 155 – Summoning Satan
When you finally want some face time with the Big S, where do you go for an introduction? Why, to the local library of course, and all of it quaint and curious volumes of forgotten lore.
Episode 154 – The Amityville Horror
We’re making a Halloween house call to the famous haunted home that revived American demonology with our look at the perilous publishing venture behind “The Amityville Horror.”
Episode 153 – The Sudbury Devil
For our first Halloween season offering, Atun-Shei Film’s Andrew Raikich talks religion, race, and recreancy in his new historical thriller “The Sudbury Devil”–a Satanic faith-based film.
Episode 152 – Good Omens 2
We’re angel investors once again, as we put the Sheen on the queer themes of “Good Omens” and its Satanic Tennants.
Episode 151 – Satanists Play Call of Cthulhu (Part 2!)
In the thrilling finale: Who lives? Who dies? And who is to blame for Misty’s community theater performance?